B2B Appointment Setting Services

Turn Appointments into Deals

Secure approximately 20 meetings each month with qualified, warmed-up leads, transforming your appointments into successful business opportunities.

What’s Inside Packages


Optimal Value-Cost Ratio Package for Lead Generation Test three different Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs) and messaging strategies within a single product.
  • 100+
    Booked appointments
  • Up to 15,000
    Curated leads

Growth Plus

Our most popular appointment setting package, delivering double the opportunities and leads, ensures maximum engagement and higher conversion rates.
  • 200+
    Booked appointments
  • Up to 30,000
    Curated leads


Increased team, faster scaling, and extensive A/B testing capabilities. Ideal for companies with a large Total Addressable Market (TAM) and the capacity to handle the calls we book.
  • XXX+
    Booked appointments
  • Hire a Scalable Team

Revitalize Your Pipeline With Qualified Meetings

Boost conversions with qualified leads

We handpick and prequalify each lead before scheduling meetings. By connecting only with ready-to-buy prospects, your closing rate can increase to around 15%.

Get a predictable number of appointments

We craft highly personalized outreach sequences, engage, and follow up with your prospects. This approach fills your pipeline with sales-ready leads and regularly books meetings for you.


Hire dedicated outsourced SDRs

Stop juggling recruitment and training. Let InboxCrayon serve as your extended sales team, so you can focus exclusively on closing deals.

Receive an average of 20 appts per month

Our proven approach and scalable processes adapt to your needs, delivering appointments swiftly and accelerating your sales growth.

How Appointment Setting Works

Market Fit Validation

Testing Hypotheses and Validating Your Ideas

To assess your new product or service potential, we first agree on the channel, value proposition, and messaging.

We then launch multiple campaigns to identify potential sales opportunities and schedule quick chats with them.

Our team analyzes responses and feedback to determine if your offer resonates with potential customers.

Lead Research

Preliminary Analysis, Search, and Qualification

For precise targeting, we review your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and analyze the Total Addressable Market (TAM) to identify matching decision-makers.

We then filter out those without buying potential.

Finally, we segment the remaining leads and gather detailed information to deliver customized messages.

Multichannel Outreach

Designing and Launching Tailored Campaigns

Using your ICP and research data, we develop outreach strategies and prepare templates for personalized emails or LinkedIn messages.

Our tech experts also configure and warm up mailboxes to ensure your emails are delivered and seen.

Once the campaigns are launched, we continuously monitor key metrics and adjust strategies as needed.

Appointment Scheduling

Booking Meetings with Ready-to-Buy Leads

Our SDRs contact leads who respond to our messages and arrange calls based on your availability.

Our sales team sends gentle reminders to your leads about upcoming meetings.

If a lead misses a meeting, we follow up to reschedule, ensuring you get as many calls as possible.


We Could Be Your Perfect Match

You’ll benefit from our B2B lead generation and appointment setting services if:

You need to enrich your pipeline.

You’re unsure how to drive new opportunities.

Your lead-to-demo conversion rate is low.

You want to explore outbound channels.

You need a steady flow of leads and predictable appointments.

You lack the time to hire and train an inbound SDR team.

You seek an efficient strategy to accelerate your sales.

You’re ready to invest in building long-term partnerships.

Hundreds of Happy Customers


Not sure how to start with your B2B appointment setting? Submit your details for a free quote!

We'll analyze your current requirements and provide a detailed plan based on industry best practices and what your competitors are doing.

What is your current #1 challenge with B2B appointment setting? 


Have a target audience in mind? We’ll transform your leads into scheduled appointments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Not sure what businesses to target for lead gen?

Fill out our ICP form and get sample 50 leads (with company and contact details) for free.